Saturday, February 14, 2009

The UPS for DownS Blog is on the air!

We have created this blog as a central online interaction point for our athletes, families, and friends who may be interested in what we're doing.


  1. Hey, Nolan, nice talking to you last night. We are proud to have you on our team! I think you will find you are dealing with outstanding people throughout the UPS for DownS organization. Based upon my question regarding nutrition and supplements, could you recommend those from the Hammer Co. that you have found success with? Look forward to meeting you in person. Good Luck this weekend!!! Kick butt.

  2. Hello Jim and Nancy. Thank you for your kind words. I am very thankful to be able to be a part of this. As far as Hammer products go I take the following religiously -

    - Race Caps Supreme
    - Hammer Gel
    - HEED
    - Perpetuem
    - Anti-Fatigue Caps
    - Endurolytes
    - Recoverite
    - Whey Protein

    If you visit you will find much more detailed information. But to answer your question regarding loss of energy quickly - There could be any number of factors that go into that. From not enough long chain carbohydrates from whole grains, to not enough calories in your diet, etc... I cannot under-emphasize the importance of a healthy diet. But I would recommend the Hammer Gel and Race Caps Supreme specifically to help provide an extra kick.

    I hope this helps!
